About IEEE
IEEE, a nonprofit organization is the world’s leading professional association for the advancement of technology through its 400,000 members including 100,000 student members in more than 160 countries. IEEE is the ‘trusted voice’ for engineering, computing and technology information around the globe. Musaliar College of Engineering and Technology has stood as a symbol of excellence in engineering education for the past decade and had the last five years brimming with IEEE Student Branch activities of all kinds ranging from technical to managerial adventure to entertainment.
A students’ branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE), is functioning in Musaliar College of Engineering And Technology ,Pathanamthitta with a motto to create an awareness on the budding Engineers on the latest in technological innovation. The IEEE SB of MCET was formed on 22nd November, 2012. The students branch is well organized.
IEEE Activities
- Organized Non Technical talk on “Email Etiquette” at Musaliar College of Engg & Technology.
More than 30 students participated,provided real time situations coupled with online examples using gmail.
- Founded the web team at Musaliar College of Engineering & Technology in 2013.
- Organized National level robotics workshop cum competition, powered by Robosapiens India and TRYST, IIT Delhi at Musaliar College of Engineering & Technology
- Organized a District level paper presentation competition on “Grid Connectivity of Renewable Energy Resources-Issues and Solutions” at Musaliar College of Engineering and Technology powered by KSEB and IEEE Power and Energy Society. The event was fully funded by KSEB.
- Organized NCIET-13,A National Level Conference on Innovations in Engineering & Technology on 4th May 2013.
More than 150+ PG students participated from prominent colleges of south India.
• The event was one of its kind,the deputy director of ISRO Shri Ratnakar Rao presided the inaugural ceremony.
- Team Lead | Open Source Summit 2013
September 27 – 29, 2013
• More than 150 students participated from in and around Kerala
• First Open Source Hardware Summit in Kerala to find a space in EFY times
• Organized parallel workshops and seminars as part of the summit.
- Organized several national level workshops on Robotics,throughout the academic years starting from 2013.
Membership Development Session 2019
The MD session for the year 2019 was held for first year students of ECE, CSE & EEE and Mechanical departments on 19/02/2019. The students were given a brief introduction to and about IEEE. The need for a student branch and the corresponding activities were reviewed. The guest speaker was Prof.Mohammed Kasim ,Chairman, IAS/IES/PELS Joint Chapter, IEEE Kerala Section) .
IEEE Artificial Intelligence Workshop 2019
The student branch of MCET organized a national workshop on Artificial Intelligence Robotics on 22nd and 23rd February 2019.The workshop was inaugurated by Shri. M S Lobo,MD,Sahasra Pvt.Ltd,Thiruvalla.

Computer Society of India is the first and largest body of computer professionals in India.It was started on 6 March 1965 by a few computer professionals and has now grown to be the national body representing computer professionals. It has 72 chapters across India, 511 student branches, and 100,000 members.CSI Musaliar College of Engineering ChapterStaff co-ordinatorsMrs. Amrutha Vishnupriya S (Asst Professor,Dept of CSE)Mrs.Shyma Kareem ( Asst Professor,Dept of CSE)CSI region- Region 7
The Society is targeted at the IT professionals and also user community at large. Hence the membership of the Society is open to all professionals involved in the field of information technology. The membership categories include individual and institutional. In the individual member category there are five grades namely Fellow, Senior, Member, Associate and Student, whereas institutional membership includes organisations and educational institutions. A professional can also apply for life membership in the society.

Technical Value Addition to Members
CSI publishes and mails CSI Communications (a monthly) and CSI Journal (a quarterly) to all members. While the student members get the issues of CSI Communications alone, they can subscribe to the CSI Journal at a nominal rate.
Libraries of various Institutions / Colleges can subscribe to CSI Communications and CSI Journal.
CSI Communications, publishes a Professional Counseling column in which career prospects are discussed.
CSI members can apply for CICC training courses conducted at Japan .
CSI promotes and provides financial support for research work in contemporary areas in IT and Computer Science. Preference is given to CSI members. Members whose papers are selected for presentation in leading conferences such as VLDB, ICDE etc can approach CSI for travel support to attend such conferences held.
IE (I) Sudents’ Chapter
The department of Electronics & Communication is certified with IE (I) Accreditation with 54 student members and one staff advisor.
The Institution of Engineers (India) [IEI] is a statutory body to promote and advance the engineering and technology, established in 1920 and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1935. The Institution of Engineers (India) has more than one million members in 15 engineering disciplines in 114 centers or chapters in India and overseas; it is the world’s largest multi-disciplinary engineering professional society in engineering and technology world.
The IEI has its headquarters located in Kolkata with national presence through more than hundred Centres and several Overseas Chapters, Foras and Organ.
Ever since its inception, IEI has been the forerunner in setting up national standards for promoting the country’s industrial base which culminated on the formation of the Indian Standard Institution (ISI), now called as Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). IEI, in collaboration with Springer, regularly publishes peer-reviewed international journal in five series, covering fifteen engineering disciplines.

Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is a Premier Indian Society for Teachers and Students of the Technical Education System. ISTE membership is a powerful and meaningful way for educators to connect with peers, to gather in a variety of forums to share the challenges and excitement of teaching, and to be part of a community that leads the transformation of education. ISTE is a Professional Society giving more than 50 National and Regional Awards to Institutions, Teachers and Students for innovation and excellence in various areas of Engineering and Technology .ISTE represents more than 100,000 education leaders and emerging leaders throughout the world and informs its members regarding educational issues of national and global scope. Being the only national organization of educators in the field of Engineering and Technology, ISTE effectively contributes in various missions of the Union Government. The Ministry of Human Resource Development, CTE/DST/MIT/State Govts. Are well associated with the ISTE for programs relating to technical education. ISTE members include individuals, affiliate organizations, and corporations:
- 18,500 individual members from more than 80 countries worldwide
- 80 affiliate organizations
- 6 affiliate regions worldwide
- 60 corporations worldwide
ISTE Mission
ISTE mission is to advance the excellence in learning and teaching through innovative and effective uses of technology. ISTE consists of diverse worldwide community of educational leaders actively creating a world in which all learners can achieve their creative and intellectual potential. The major objective of the ISTE is to assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industries and other organizations. ISTE membership helps to develop and communicate advocacy positions and a compelling rationale that supports effective use of technology in education. It provides up-to-date information about emerging policy issues and opportunities for action.
1. To formulate the general goals & responsibilities of technical education.
2. To adjust curriculum & educational processes to changing conditions.
3. To develop effective teachers & educational administrators.
4. To improve instructional methods & practices & administrative usages.
5. To enhance professional ideals & standards.
6. To foster research as a function complementary to teaching.
7. To bring about effective linkage between technical institutions industry & society.
8. To award Honorary fellowships, Awards and Prizes, for furthering the objectives of Technical Education.
ISTE Chapter
Musaliar College of Engineering &Technology holds the ISTE Institution Membership with IM 1857 with effect from 2010. ISTE chapter Musaliar college of Engineering& Technology (KE 061 and KE 063) was established on 2010 and is an active chapter under ISTE Kerala Section.
Following are the office bearers of institutional ISTE Chapter.
Chairman: – Dr.Abdul Rasheed A, Principal, Musaliar College of Engineering &Technology
Secretary Cum: – Mrs Leena V P,AssociateProfessor,CivilEgineering
Member: Prof.Ninan Chacko, HoD, Mechanical Engineering
- Soumyalatha D.Associate professor, Mechanical Engineering.
- Sarathraj, Associate Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
- Sriranjini.K, Associate Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
- Blessy Rehman, Assistant Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
- Ciya Poulose, Associate Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
- Anjali. S, Assistant Professor, Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
- Lijesh L, , Associate Professor, Electronics & Communication Engineering.
- Nidiya Habeeb, Associate Professor, Electronics & Communication Engineering.
- Juby Raju, Associate Professor, Electronics & Communication Engineering.
- Saju. A, Associate Professor, Electronics & Communication Engineering.
- Rajani S, Associate Professor, Electronics & Communication Engineering.
- Simi. I , Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering..
Gandhi Smriti Cycle Rally

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